John. A very special man ... my boss, my friend - more like an extra Grandad.

Created by Nikki 2 years ago
I met John around the end of 2000 and the following year or perhaps the one after, when my son Jack was starting little school I think, I was offered a job. " Do you want to come and work in the office?" "yeah, ok then!"
More like working for family. After 18 years or so of employment, last March the company closed down.

Such a lovely and kind man, such an interesting and story filled past... we'd spend so many hours talking about his days in the band, touring the UK and Europe - Johnny, Mike & The Shades, how the band turned down Epstein, the stars he met and partied with including Mick Jagger, Cilla, The Fab Four to name but a HUGE few.. being actually supported by some act called 'The Beatles' whilst his band Headlined.. the mischief he got up to, to his amazing knowledge of Eurovision.. we'd sit every year assessing that years entries from all the participating countries, watching their videos and compiling our shortlist, or watching the Tennis or the major footy tournaments! No boss like it I can tell you.

I went to Liverpool a few years ago determined to find their brick at The Cavern Club because they had played there... He was so thrilled I found it, as was I!

I was lucky enough to finally be able to see him in August at his Nursing Home and although it was incredibly hard, I am so glad I was able to finally go after being delayed by Covid and rules.

He still had the cheeky glint in his eye, still had an amazing memory for so much and still really and truly cared.

Will miss you so much John - and will never forget as I left you and said goodbye with a hug, you whispered in my ear "you've always been very special to me" ...

"You too John" I said... "you too"

Rest in Peace John - try not to cause too much trouble and thank you - for everything... Nikki xxx